Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Busy Bee

Hello friends, hope everyones Tuesday has been wonderful. I dont know why, but once it hits 430 in the afternoon, I completely lose it. I count up everything I have to do after work, which has been about a million things ever since I got the house. Dont get me wrong! I love fixing up the house! Its just a lot thrown at me. Lots of quick expensive decisions to make. Not my best skill! I just have to remember to BREATHE and let God take over.

I did get to have lunch with Kayla today! She brought Pennys Pantry to my work! It was a nice break in the day to have a lot of laughs with her.

My floors! One rooms is almost complete! It looks like a half way home now! I chose a dark wood laminate floor from Suplus Warehouse, some of the best prices I have seen! They are so helpful and very patient (dealing with my crazy self). I cant wait for them to be done. Ive decided against the color I had picked for my master bedroom. I was going with Mississippi Mud, but now I think I need a more pleasant color for where I will be most! I have it in my room that will be a closet(yay!!) and I love it more and more everyday, but I think I need another color for my bedroom. My guest bedroom is Green Aloe. My kitchen will be Red Caboose, and my living room color is called Journal Cover. Dont judge on the names! Just wait for pictures!

                  My Closet! haha Yes a whole room. I can think of a few ladies that will love this idea ;).

OK time for some rest! Have a wonderful week! Pictures of the "before" house are coming soon I promise!


Thursday, November 18, 2010

Grab a rake!

My lazy Thursdays are gone! Not for good, but for a good while! I am very proud of how productive I was today. Most Thursdays are spent THINKING of what I need to do.
It all started at 5 30 am. GREAT morning workout with Connie. He knows how to kick my butt with those workouts!
Then off to the house to let the plumber take a look at my pitiful little house!(Not for long though!) I get to have my kitchen exactly how I want it! So exciting. A womans kitchen is the most important place in the house. I can already feel the warmth of my kitchen. Hopefully full of many dinners with friends and family!
 After that I was off to buy paint for the garage. Summer Pecan was the quick choice. I can barely wait to see it finished. It will be the first thing completely done in the house!
I also picked up all my stuff for Operation Christmas Child. I felt like I was in tears the whole time I was shopping. It makes me happy I can make a childs day, but also breaks my heart they have to rely on someone across the world for everyday things. Hopefully I get a note back! That would make MY day!
I was off to Hernando to have lunch and drop my box off to my best friend Kayla! Im loving that I get to see her at least once a week!
The rest of the day was filled with raking leaves...well years worth of leaves. And one of my sweet friends helped me load the old (yucky) cabinets in the trailer to be thrown away. I can always count on him to help me out.

Wish it wasnt a picture OF a picture but thats all I have for now! My cozy home to be! With lots of free leaves! How generous right!

Well Tomorrow is the most wonderful day of the year( just kidding but very close to it!) The Molly Ringwalds! I am so so so so excited!

Have a wonderful weekend!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

A Big Adventure

These past 6 months of kickboxing finally came in handy. Oh yes, I kicked down walls in the garage this weekend! It was the most fun I've had in a long time! We also pulled out cabinets... With our bare hands! We are going to try to do most of the labor ourselves. I think we will figure out that we need more help than we are thinking haha! I am just so happy right now. God has given me so much good news lately. I just feel his love so much. I have great friends who want to help, wonderful family that is supporting me more than I could ever imagine, and a wonderful job that will make it possible to actually pay bills. No one could make that happen besides God. He is so good!
Kayla and I have been doing our own bible study until our group gets back together after the new year. I love growing closer to God with her! We have so much in common that there is never any pressure to be someone else with her! We just got done with a discipleship training at my church! I think we both got a lot out of it!
This is the weekend I've been waiting for. The...Molly......Ringwalds!! Ahh I can't wait! An 80s night with my friends! And then tailgating and football game with my Starkville friends!
Hope everyones tuesday is wonderful, even with this rain!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Home Improvement

So first of all I have to tell a sweet story. Our bible study ended a couple of weeks ago, how sad right? Well at the very end, I was gathering my things and bam. One of the best surprises Ill ever have happened to me. They said, "So we have something for you". I looked around because I didnt really think they were talking to me. Then Kayla magically pulled out a present from her bag. You can ask them, I was shocked! I started opening it up and immediately started crying. They all got together and bought me a new Bible!
This is one of the most special gifts I have ever been given! I still feel so much love for these girls because they did this for me. They knew I had been carrying around my mothers old Bible. And when I say old, I mean my birth was recorded in it. I just want to thank them again! They are true friends that I will always cherish, along with my wonderful bible! And the best part is they wrote all our names in it! Ill keep it forever!

My other special new is.......I BOUGHT A HOUSE! Yes! Thats right! And the even better news! Ill live right around the corner from my family in Back Acres Country Club!! Yes we found a great deal. Much needed improvements though. I will be in by summer we are planning. Most likely before then! I cant wait to share this big adventure with you. God blessed me so much. Ive been praying hard on this one, and praise the Lord, He answered BIG TIME! Pictures soon to come! Dont expect too much though! There is lots to do! I pay in food so if anyone wants to help, youll have a full belly at the end of the day! My life has just taken off since I moved home from Starkville. I think I need a break from growing up for a couple months! This will keep me busy though for sure!

I found out yesterday and already picked out cabinets! Haha! I didnt realize that I know exactly what I want... Many tears will come Im sure, but it will all be worth it. Ill have to share my story of how my family told me the bank took the offer! Its so so sweet!

Well its about time for my classes at the gym! Hope you have a wonderful day!
